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Due Diligence

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Due Diligence and Business Purchase Support


Our team is formed out from lawyers and attorneys with a long-term working practice in major holding companies. Therefore they have hands-on experience in both the analysis of the ongoing business and the support of purchase and sale of business, corporate rights, objects of business and asset packages.


For example, I. Yu. Cherezov, Managing Partner of the company, had been working as Head of Legal Department of the largest Ukrainian corn holding company for six years before he started his own business. During this period the owners of the holding company were frequently purchasing new objects, having carried out the preliminary analysis of the forthcoming transaction, and then successfully completed it.


The lawyers of the Law Offices Cherezov PA & Partners have used their reputation and experience, gained during the work in various companies, many times when performing analysis of documents of the enterprises of different incorporation forms, both for company owners in order to monitor state of affairs and risks, and for making a legal conclusion for a potential buyer of a business or an asset package.


We have also performed an effective and least time and funds-consuming support of corporate rights purchase and sale transactions for our principals, involving such field experts in business analysis as: Ukrainian and foreign auditors, registrars of corporate rights outside Ukraine, experts and engineers specializing in specific area of the business to be acquired.


Our company has concluded dozens of transactions on alienation and acquisition of business, complex corporate rights, separate objects and asset packages.


We are trusted because we live up to the confidence bestowed upon us.