Civil actions, division of property, labour disputes
Attorneys of our company often represent interests in complicated civil disputes.
One of the main mistakes of our clients is a misconception that it is possible to download a lawsuit from the Internet, fill in their data and win a case.
This is not the case. We have repeatedly argued to clients that it is a professional who should handle any case. No one is trying to put a dental sealant on themselves after watching a video on the Internet.
Attorneys of our company have a large, long-term experience in conducting complicated civil disputes related to a debt collection, compensation of damage, an inheritance, and division of property.
So, for more than five years in particular we have been representing interests of one of the largest insurance companies in Ukraine on the recovery of civil damages. Our opponents in court were both physical and legal persons. We repeatedly appear in court as representatives of a claimant and as representatives of a defendant.
We also accompanied a number of disputes related to the property of one of the housing cooperatives.
Especially it is necessary to highlight labour disputes because this is a rather complicated branch of law, and it is necessary, in addition to the Labour Code, to orientate in a number of normative acts that regulate labour relations. We have repeatedly represented interests of both a claimant and a defendant in such disputes, and we have a vast experience of victories in this category of cases. You can easily make certain of this by visiting the section of our website “Our clients recommend us” which contains a short list of our clients — legal persons. Interests of some of them were represented by our company in labour disputes.
Our company can always help effectively in a difficult situation.